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Workshop Dates for the 2024-25 Strands A & C programs are September 28th, November 2nd, January 25th, February 22nd, and March 22nd. 

PLEASE NOTE !! Registration for BWLP Workshops is a two-step process.

Step 1)

Please register for the program of your choice by filling out the form for the program(s) you have chosen –

a) You may choose Strand A, or C,

Step 2)

Please make your payment using the Workshop Registration Payments link, located right above the registration form, just under these instructions.

We accept payments electronically, by debit or by credit card. If you prefer, you can send a check or a purchase order to Orlando (see below ).

Purchase orders should be sent by email to Orlando Garcia at

Checks should be made out to “UC Regents”  and mailed to us at the following address:

Orlando Garcia, Financial Assistant

Berkeley World Language Project

c/o UC Berkeley Language Center

B40 Dwinelle Hall

Berkeley, CA 94720-2640

                   Orlando's phone number - 510-642-9183

Please Note

Once you have finished registering, please pay for your workshop(s) by using the Workshop Registration Payments link below. If you  like,  you can right-click on the link to open it in a new tab or window.


We offer payment by credit or debit card as a convenience. However, there is an additional charge of $30 to process payments by credit/debit card to cover the University’s processing fees. As a non-profit organization, we are not able absorb the cost of payments by card. We thank you for your understanding.